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283 Results

Penguin Sports and Services Club

Family friendly environment; incorporating the Golf, Bowls, Snooker, Darts and RSL Clubs. Meals
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us

Laurel House Sexual Assualt support

Outside Region
Laurel House is a not-for-profit, community-based sexual assault support service that operates across the North, North-East and North-West Tasmania. We provide a 24/7 support hotline, free counselling, training and education. Helping Victim-Survivors Recover
How is this service delivered?

Care Beyond Cure Ltd

Ulverstone | Penguin | Central Coast
Health and Wellbeing Program. A social space for individuals with a progressive life-limiting illness (and their carer). Massage, Reflexology, Art Therapy and more. Developed with assistance from the Tasmanian Government Department of Health.”
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us

Lions Club of Forth Valley Inc

Central Coast
We provide support for a vast range of projects within our District.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us | Visiting Service

Penguin Visitor Information Centre

For things to do, what to see and where to go in Penguin and surrounds just ask at the Penguin Visitor Information Centre because we know our beautiful place best!
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us

Anglicare’s Supported Youth Program

Outside Region
The Supported Youth Program (SYP) provides support to vulnerable young people aged 10 to 18 who have been identified by community or welfare professionals as having significant or multiple risk issues.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us | Visiting Service

Advocacy Tasmania

Outside Region
‘Your say’ advocacy is all about helping you to be heard and understood. If you are unable to speak for yourself, or find it difficult, our Advocates can help you. We can provide information about your rights, and help you to deal with problems or complaints.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online

Anglicare Family Support Service

Outside Region
The Family Support Service provides information and support to anyone affected by a family member or significant other using alcohol or other drugs. The service is confidential and available to those affected, including partners, children, siblings and grandparents.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us | Visiting Service

Child and Youth Mental Health Service

Our Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) provides free outreach support for families with children and young people (0-18) who are showing early signs of developing mental health concerns.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us | Visiting Service