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283 Results

LEAP Occupational Therapy

LEAP Occupational Therapy provides a variety of services for people living on the North West Coast of Tasmania. We operate from central locations to ensure accessibility for participants across the North West Coast.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us

Due South

Australia’s leading self-funded organisation for Veterans and First Responders in wellness initiatives and reconnection.
How is this service delivered?
You come to us

Gambling Support Service

Outside Region
The Gamblers Support Service is a free and confidential service that is available to individuals, families and communities impacted by gambling.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us | Visiting Service

Relationships Australia

Outside Region
Working to create a connected and respectful Tasmania. We are supporting Tasmanians to achieve positive lives and healthy relationships – with each other or themselves.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online


Outside Region
headspace Devonport offers free support for young people aged 12 to 25, their families and friends.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us

A Tasmanian lifeline

Outside Region
Our dedicated team is here to provide you with a safe and compassionate space, offering professional assistance for every challenge life may bring. You’re not alone on this journey. Reach out, connect, and let’s navigate through it together.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online

Community Visitors Scheme

Ulverstone | Penguin | Central Coast | Outside Region
This scheme supports volunteer visits to provide friendship and companionship to older people.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online


Outside Region
Lifeline is a non-profit organisation that provides free, 24-hour telephone crisis support service in Australia. Volunteer crisis supporters provide suicide prevention services, mental health support and emotional assistance, not only via telephone but face-to-face and online.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online

RAAFA NW Tasmania

Outside Region
The RAAFA was established to foster friendships based on sharing Air Force and aviation experience, support commemorative activities,
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online