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283 Results

Penguin Community Op Shop

The Penguin Community Op Shop, along with the Rookery, seeks to serve the community in varied ways.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | You come to us

Engender Equality

Outside Region
For over 30 years, Engender Equality has worked with and on behalf of individuals, families and communities affected by family and domestic violence in Tasmania. Engender Equality’s philosophies, practice and resources are based around lived experience and grounded in cutting-edge research.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us

Relationships Australia

Outside Region
Working to create a connected and respectful Tasmania. We are supporting Tasmanians to achieve positive lives and healthy relationships – with each other or themselves.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online

Penguin Men’s Shed

The Penguin Men’s Shed is all about supporting men’s health & well-being by providing men with a social and productive environment that enables them to improve their physical & mental health
How is this service delivered?
You come to us

Community Visitors Scheme

Ulverstone | Penguin | Central Coast | Outside Region
This scheme supports volunteer visits to provide friendship and companionship to older people.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online

Central Coast Garden Club Inc

Garden club that meets once a month as well as trips and much more
How is this service delivered?
You come to us

Ulverstone Library

Ulverstone Library is part of Libraries Tasmania. Everyone is welcome in our libraries and members can borrow books for free, both online and in-person.
How is this service delivered?
Phone | Online | You come to us

Laurel House Sexual Assualt support

Outside Region
Laurel House is a not-for-profit, community-based sexual assault support service that operates across the North, North-East and North-West Tasmania. We provide a 24/7 support hotline, free counselling, training and education. Helping Victim-Survivors Recover
How is this service delivered?

Anglicare Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service (ADATS)

Outside Region
Anglicare Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service (ADATS) is an early intervention and psychosocial community-based program for Tasmanians (14 years and older) who have experienced negative impacts from the use of alcohol and/or other drugs, including tobacco and vaping
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