Anglicare Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service (ADATS)
Outside Region
Anglicare Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service (ADATS) is an early
intervention and psychosocial community-based program for Tasmanians
(14 years and older) who have experienced negative impacts from the use of
alcohol and/or other drugs, including tobacco and vaping
The Way Back Support Service is a free non-clinical service that was designed by Beyond Blue to give personalised support for up to three months following a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis
Speech Pathology Services for Pre-School and School Aged Children Speech Pathologists are trained to assess, diagnose and treat communication disorders. Speech Pathologists help children who have difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding and using language, stuttering and voice.
How is this service delivered? Phone | Online | You come to us
Lifeline is a non-profit organisation that provides free, 24-hour telephone crisis support service in Australia. Volunteer crisis supporters provide suicide prevention services, mental health support and emotional assistance, not only via telephone but face-to-face and online.
I have over 7 years’ experience in providing diagnostic assessments for all ages. My priority is that you feel comfortable, heard, and understood. I use a range of assessment methods, performed in such a way that you or your child can feel at ease.
How is this service delivered? Phone | Online | You come to us
Family Based Care Tasmania offer services based on wellness and reablement, supporting you at home to do the things you can and helping you with the things you can’t manage on your own.
Working to create a connected and respectful Tasmania. We are supporting Tasmanians to achieve positive lives and healthy relationships – with each other or themselves.