Community Directory

Ulverstone Neighbourhood House

Service Information

Ulverstone Neighbourhood House (UNH) consults with the local community and its services yearly regarding the key social issues most affecting the community.

UNH, in turn, will work in collaboration with a variety of service providers to offer a range of community development programs and events based on the key social issues.

These programs include: literacy and numeracy programs, social cooking, food security, Community kids and youth holiday programs, parenting programs, community events and volunteer opportunities.

Our two biggest priority areas being “Life Skills” and Youth Engagement” with programs like Social Cooking, child development, Community Kids and youth holiday programs being some examples of programs UNH run. Aside from our priority areas there are many groups/programs running at UNH as well as up to 20 other services using the facility per month, well worth a call to find out more information.

UNH is a referral and information service that supports the community by connecting people with the appropriate and specialised services that fulfill their individual needs.

Opening Hours:

9:30 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Thursday. 9:30 am - 3:00 pm Friday

Ways to access this service:

Phone, Online, You come to us

Contact Details

Phone: 6425 4186
8-10 Lugana Cres West Ulverstone

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