“Apex Club of Ulverstone
PO Box 88 Ulverstone 7315
Meeting times – every second Monday at 7pm.
Josh Rowe (Pres)………………………………………
Mark Williams (Sec) ………………………………………
Mark Gluyas (Treas) ……………………………………..
Phone (Club) …………………………….0448 565 947
Email ……………….. ULVERSTONE@apex.org.au
………. www.facebook.com/apexclubofulverstone
Penguin Leo Club
Youth service organisation, a project of Lions
International; involves young people aged between
12-30 years in community service, fundraising and
social activities.
Antony Wright (Pres) ……………….0476 275 565
Alyssa Bryan (Sec)…………………….0449 795 694
Brendan Bos (Treas)…………………0431 515 307
Email ………………….. penguinleoclub@gmail.com
Ulverstone Lions Club
PO Box 45 Ulverstone 7315
We meet every first and third Tuesday of each
month at Bass and Flinders Motor Inn, Ulverstone.
Lions Club Shop Victoria Street, Ulverstone, shed
at Ulverstone Showgrounds.
Geoff Lynd (Pres)………………………0428 254 053
Mark Lewis (Sec)……………………….0457 564 871
Victoria St Shop…………………………6425 5534
Peter Kurrle (Treas)………………….0422 280 339
Returned & Services League of Australia,
Ulverstone Sub-Branch (RSL)
PO Box 128 Ulverstone 7315
21 King Edward Street Ulverstone
Memberships is open to all ex-servicemen and
women. Dedicated to the welfare of former and
current Service personnel of the Australian
Defence Force and their families.
Phone…………………………………………..6425 1942
Trish King (Sec)……………0428667781
Geoff Mainwaring (pres)…………….0417 593 705
Jim Whitehead (Treas)………………0429 476 558
Email …………………..ulverstonersl@bigpond.com
Website ……facebook.com/Ulverstone-RSL-SubBranch-Inc
Ulverstone Returned Servicemen’s Club Inc (RSC)
21 King Edward Street Ulverstone 7315
Bar, Gaming, Tote facilities. Bistro opened
Tuesday and Sunday, non members welcome.
Office……………………………………………..6425 1439
John Collins (Pres)………………………..0419 104 008
Katelyn Gale (Man)………………………0364251439
Geoff Cox (vice Pres)………………….0419547767
Email …………………….ulverstonersc@ursc.net.au”
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