Community Directory

Community Committees

Service Information


Switch Tasmania
PO Box 829 Ulverstone 7315
Free and low cost assistance for people with a business or business idea. Cradle Coast Innovation receives State and Commonwealth funding to provide affordable, professional and confidential assistance to people who have abusiness or business idea.
Martin Brinkman
Business (Advisor and Coach)…….0437 125 528
Email …………….
Jodie Clark, (Executive Officer) …..0438 923 049
Email ………………
Website ……………..

Central Coast Chamber of Commerce and
“Support, Recognition, Empowerment”
PO Box 300 Ulverstone 7315
Any person, firm or company having professional, commercial or trade interest in Tasmania is eligible for membership.
Craig Heppell (Pres)……………………0400 180 515
Robert Tucker (Vice Pres)………………………………
Stuart Edwards (Sec)…………………..0429 187 729
Simone Dobson (Treas)………………….6425 5776
Email ………………
Simone Dobson………………………………………
(Promotions Coordinator) …………….0418 524 986
Email ………………….
Website …………………..

The Friends of Reid Street Reserve
PO Box 3088 Ulverstone 7315
The Main aims of the Friends of Reid Street Reserve are to protect and enhance the natural values of the Reid Street Reserve through habitat enhancement and to raise awareness of the significance of the Reserve in the local Community.
Patricia Ellison (Convenor)………………6428 2062

Turners Beach Coast Care Inc
25 Turners Avenue Turners Beach 7315
Preservation, protection and rehabilitation of remnant coastal vegetation and natural environment at Turners Beach. Monthly meetings and working bees.
Wendy Horniblow (Sec) …… 0497 098 880

Ulverstone Coast Care Group
PO Box 214 Penguin 7316
Robyn Parker ………………………….. 0418 142 790

Progress Associations

Castra, Sprent & Nietta Community Advisory
PO Box 77 Ulverstone 7315
Kevin Coy (Chairperson)…………………6425 3511
249 Preston Road, North Motton
Wendy McMullen (Sec)………….. (AH) 6425 3027
Business Hours ……………………………..6425 1633

Forth Community Representative Committee
PO Box 366 Forth 7310
The Forth Community Representative Committee aims to promote ideas to further develop Forth Village amenities and to enhance the quality of life within the local area. On a two monthly basis the community representatives meet with the Central Coast Council senior management staff at the Forth Community Hall to discuss issues of concern and proposed plans for the future community development.
Mark Whittle (Member)……………….0407 803 529
Email ……………………

Gunns Plains Community Centre Association
Community Centre, 957 Gunns Plains Road, Gunns Plains
Postal Address: C/- 321 Raymonds Road Gunns Plains 7315
Annual Potato Festival (Nov) Community events such as – casserole nights, BBQs, trivia nights, indoor woodchopping, swap and sell, plus hall is available for hire.
Sonia Mitos (Pres)………………………….6429 1163
Email ………………..
Yvonne Downes (Vice Pres) ……………6429 1353
Email ……………………………
Steve Wolstenholme (Treas)……………6429 1259
Email ………………………
Wendy Dontschuk (Sec) …………………6429 1140
Email …………………

Heybridge Improvement Association
1 Sice Avenue Heybridge 7316
Aim: Keeping Blythe Heads Hall in order for functions such as parties, weddings, voting etc also playground for children.
Mr Dale Clarke (Pres) …………………….6435 4340
Mr Harvey Pike (Treas)…………………..6435 4145

North Motton Community Support Group
584 Preston Main Road North Motton 7315
North Motton Anzac Day Services and Australia Day BBQ celebrations. Meet bi-monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month
Sue Rodman …………………………………6425 3369
Mobile…………………………………….. 0439 062 470

Riana Pioneer Park Tourist Management
Association Inc
1399 Pine Road Riana (C/- PO Riana) 7316 (1 km past Riana)
BBQ’s, electric and wood, picnic & playground facilities, bush walks, lookout and large shelter sheds, showers and toilets. Camping fees apply.
(Bookings) ……………6437 6137

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