Community Directory

Asthma Australia (need to know opening hours)

Service Information

Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects more than 2.7 million Australians, with children being the most impacted. Asthma is responsible for at least one Australian death every day, making it a serious health concern. More than 30,000 people are hospitalised each year due to asthma, yet 80% of these hospitalisations are considered potentially avoidable.

Our purpose – To help people breathe better so they can live freely

Our vision – No one experiences a life restricted by asthma

Our mission – Driving person-centred approaches & influencing systems change

Our impact goal – to halve avoidable asthma hospitalisations by 2030

Opening Hours:

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Ways to access this service:

Phone, Online, You come to us

Contact Details

Phone: 1800 278 462
1-7 Liverpool StreetHobart TAS 7001

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