Community Directory

A Tasmanian lifeline

Service Information

At Lifeline Tasmania our purpose is to provide Tasmanians a lifeline for life through services and partnerships that strengthen the community.Together, our team of dedicated staff and more than 300 volunteers share a common vision: A resilient Tasmania free of suicide.
We work throughout the entire state of Tasmania delivering suicide prevention and programs, including: 24/7 telephone crisis support via our 13 11 14 crisis line. Support to anyone bereaved or impacted by suicide via the StandBy program. Suicide Bereavement Groups, run in partnership with Albie House. One-off or ongoing telephone support for Tasmanians going through a tough time via our A Tasmanian Lifeline service. Social support programs to improve the lives of Tasmanians who are looking to stay active within the community or socially connected with others through the ACVVS and our Chats program. Community education and workplace training programs in suicide prevention, mental health and recognising domestic violence. Suicide related clinical supervision and critical incident debriefing. Retail outlets across Tasmania that are volunteer run

Opening Hours:

Between 8am and 8pm 7 days a week. 24/7 text and chat

Ways to access this service:

Phone, Online

Contact Details

Phone: 13 11 14

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