The TVA is a not-for-profit volunteer organisation supporting all ADF Veterans and their
families, focussed on veteran wellbeing, and formed to develop, manage and maintain regional
and remote Retreat style facilities around Tasmania.
The genesis of TVA came through volunteer participation in the refurbishment and
construction of the Veterans’ Retreat at Interlaken, managing the facility since 2022 for modern
veterans and their families.
The diversity across the TVA Committee reflects the modern Tasmanian veteran community
representing the three Services from most regions in the state. They form a demographic
spanning 40 years of service with participation in most post-Vietnam conflicts from East
Timor, Afghanistan, Iraq, peace keeping, disaster relief as well as long-term Reserve service.
TVA is the first statewide Veteran organisation to have women veterans over a third of the
Committee and Executive. Other TVA Committee members are:
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