Community Directory

Connect Café

Service Information

People living with dementia and their care-givers often experience shrinkage of and being dropped by their circle of friends and being misunderstood by their friends and family. Carers also experience a decrease in the emotional support from the person they are caring for as the disease progresses. The stigma associated with dementia can sometimes lead to loneliness for bothe the person living with dementia and their carers and they can feel they are no longer welcome in the community.

Memory cafes provide an opportunity for the people with dementia, carers and the community to interact, laugh, and talk together. These destination events can make a major difference to the wellbeing and quality of life of people with dementia.

Regular social connection and social support are also important for carers with emotional support being critical in reducing the psychological vulnerability of carers.

Opening Hours:

Tuesdays 10am-12pm

Ways to access this service:

Phone, Online, You come to us

Contact Details

Phone: 6429 8900
Gnomon Room - Wharf Precinct Ulverstone

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